Monday 18 February 2013


HELLO....It's me....Bubblegum_mum

I have decided I needed a new name, one that was more apt and relevant and a little less childish!

Bubblegum Mum kind of stopped as I haven't had a lot of time to blog recently and it's been quite a while but I am still the same old me, busy SAHM of 2 with a hectic life that revolves around Mr L's shifts and 2 different nursery opening times. I am starting up new things and stopping old ones all the time but I hope to still continue under this name and blog regularly about all the relevant things going on in my life.

I have always been keen to get involved and help people where I can and I have started listening to people more (which is something I was never very good at as I prefer to talk) but I have always been called 'Organised' which suprises me because at home I am not organised at all and am always losing or forgetting things but appearances are decieving, so when someone that I value of the opinoin of highly said it to me recently it really rung a bell in my brain and so I thought I really need to be more organised in all areas not just on the surface.

I just hope I dont spread myself too thinly but I thrive on being busy and certian levels of stress and I am really enjoying life at the moment despite feeling like an Octopus and juggling everything.....hence 'OCTO' mum. It's also relevant with my birthday as I was born in October.

Hope you stay tuned and look forward to more 'Normal' family blogging!

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